Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lost Your Cell Phone? Tips For Not Forgetting Your Cell Phone

By Laura Rucker

We've all done it - lost or forgotten our cell phone somewhere! You've charged your phone the night before, only to go out the door without it! Or have left for vacation or a business trip to find you left your battery charger sitting on the counter at home. Or worse yet, you've flat out LOST YOUR CELL PHONE!

Well, stop forgetting and losing your cell phone and charger with these simple tips:

  • Keep your car keys next to your phone as it's charging.
  • Place your purse or wallet next to the phone and charger.
  • When traveling, always keep your cell phone in the same pocket of your pants, purse or backpack.
  • Train yourself to do a "cell phone check" before leaving for the next destination. I've trained myself to do this and IT WORKS!
  • Buy a battery charger for your car.
  • If out in public, don't leave it on a table or a fireplace mantle, particularly in a crowded cocktail lounge.
  • Keep your phone and charger in your purse, pocket or brief case at all times when out in public.

Trust me, if you practice these tips for not leaving or losing your cell phone, you won't have the inconvenience of driving back to where you think you left it.

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